Thursday 5 May 2011

After Effects screen grabs

I took some screen grabs in order to record what i was doing and to show what i was doing on my timtable and how i had to change things.

This image above was a close up that was an individual frame. With both this image and around the one below it was too fast. I had to change the 1 second up to 2 seconds however that was all i could maximise it to as i did not want to cut out any other parts of the animation.

This shot was taken with camera 2, the Canon D30. I used that camera for front view shot and a couple of the close ups that happened towards the beginning.

This is the part when the small snail approaches the log but when he does start to climb he accidentally falls back, slithers up, falls back. This was to emphasize how much harder it was for the small one and that he as being left behind. This part was also very fast and still could be slower but is also 2 seconds in long.

You can see the snails face has changed expression i changed this a few previous frames. It was to make him seem afraid of the size of the log and how he was terribly losing to the big snail.

Here the small snail has his small eyes back to normal again. The large one is just leaving the rock making it look very simple. 

In this image he is actually tilted to the right. He previously had just tried to get up the rock, fell back had a wobble n eventually makes it on to the rock without completely falling over.

The small snail here is having a rest after his struggle of getting on the rock. His tongue is now out and his big eyes had reappeared before getting on the rock. The big snail steaming ahead.

The face suddenly changes to a shocked/fearful look where he would be screaming as he sees something above him.

He looks forward thinking it cant be real before looking back up to see that something really is there.

Here he's looking up to see that its a massive boot coming down on him until..

WHAM! he gets smushed. This bit was actually quite easy to film and was quite fun as well. It is meant to look like the boot has completely squished him where as what i did was filmed the boot till it made contact. Measured its whereabouts  took it away used my had to squish it and then replaced the boot on top before walking it off. I wasn't going to use the actual snail but didn't have enough plasticine to make another one so took a risk. It worked fine and luckily didn't make any mistakes that i had to use the big snail for again.

Here is another example of a close up i did of it when it sees what happens to the big snail...pure excitement and happiness.

Here is the same image however further back also making us know that the small snail is goint to set off again now after his rest.

Currently speeding past knocking it's eye off as he goes by.

The snail that is nearly dead shakes his fist angrily at the small snail. this is where his arm was back. He clearly didn't have arms before but often in fiction cartoons you see limbs appear even though the animal doesn't actually have them at all.

Here the fist is slightly tilted our way towards us..

Gradually coming up to the finishing line, big grin still there.

Here he crosses the finish line.

Here i took a close up of the snails expression. I changed his eyes to be as if they were closed tight because he was so happy about beating the big snail to the end. These eyes were also made from plasticine just with marker pen making the line.

This is obviously the end. I created this on illustrator using a checkered flag to symbolise racing in general and it is a flag often waved within racing. The font was called Harlow. I thought it looked interesting and was too serious to go with the animation. It had to be fairly fun looking as i think something like Baskerville or Garamond would have looked to traditional and wouldnt have particuarly fitted. I chose red as it stands out well on both black and white and wanted it to be legible on top of the design.

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