Tuesday 3 May 2011

Making The Snails

Below are images of the making of my snails. This first picture is just a rolled up piece of plasticine that will be made for the swirl of the small snail.

This image is of the base being cut out of a rolled piece of plasticine that was going to be used for the base of the large snail.

Rolled out plasticine to make the swirl on the large snail.

Rolled out even longer....

The start of the swirl being rolled up...

The full swirl wound up...

The base and the swirl bound together creating the main body of the snail...

The head now added on to the body...

Front view..

side- front angle..

Eyes added, evil eye lids drawn on the googly eyes. The eyes were self adhesive so i stuck them on to the end of the straws. I then cut out the shape of the mouth ready to add the mouth into the cut out part.

The teeth added in and black lines separating the individual teeth..

Side-front view..

Side view..

Small snail base cut out of rolled out plasticine. The pointed, shaped end being the back/ tail of the snail..

I then used self adhesive vinyl to cut to shape and stick on the bottom of the snails making it easier to move them along in small movements. I tested it previously with two other original snails i made and they stuck to the surface too easily making it difficult for it to be pulled off and moved slightly each time. With the vinyl on it made it much easier to slide the snail forward/sideways etc..

I then rolled out the swirl for the small snail..

Here it is rolled into its swirl..

Then added to the base to create the main body..

The head was then added onto the snails main body..

Then the eyes and mouth was then added,with a side-front view..

Side view..

I then placed the two snails next to each other to take a final photo of them both. Also showing the size difference and facial differences.

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