Thursday 5 May 2011

Screen grabs of my background

Here my screen grabs are working backwards. The one below contains everything that the final background had. I also made a side to my set which was part of this but cut to 36cm wide to fit the end of the table.

Then here there is no clouds..

Heres the mole is non-existent nearly just its head and its tunnel.

Only part of the tunnel and no mole at all.

No mole or tunnel completely..

I was going to do several screen grabs of the making of the flower as it was made one petal at a time but thought it wasn't particularly necessary.

Here there is no grass at all. It had to be deleted in one as the grass was made as one big path..

Complete blue screen...

Below is what was used for the floor of the set-up. I drew out a windy path that the snails would race along.

Started off with my blank screen..

I considered other ways of making the set. I thought about using coloured paper, the natural evironment outside, paper masche and more but decided upon using a constructed environment for lighting reasons as well as it being something that was completely fiction from the background to the animation itself..

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