Thursday 5 May 2011

Final Animation....The Snail Race..

This is my final animation. I am quite pleased with how it turned out. i aimed to make it 25 frames per second but ended up taking 557 photo's rather than the 750 i should have needed. However it was already too fast with this amount of frames. Some of the sequences within the composition i had to stretch in order for them to look slower and be able to see what is actually happening when the photo's change. The first two images are not in sequences. They were put in as individual layers and were a second long each. This also was the same the the last frame which had the text 'The End' in. I had a play and a look at some of the effects i could give it. Because of the type of animation it was using plasticine i didn't really want to add rotations or fades. I had a look at curves and hue and saturation as for animations such as Wallace and Gromit they are quite saturated. Because i had already edited some of the photographs before importing them into after effects they were quite good quality which meant i didn't have to particularly change or add these types of effects. I faded the music at the end rather than having it stop dead completely. I think this has quite a nice touch to it as from 28 seconds it then starts to fade out until 30. I wasn't sure if the animation could be over 30 seconds. If it could have been longer i would have prefered it as i still think the animation could be slowed down a touch more in areas. However i stuck to the brief and solved problems to make it finish on exactly 30 seconds. On a whole i enjoyed making my animation and it makes me appreciate other animation we see today for example all the Pixar  and Dreamworks movies. If there was anything i could do to improve it, personally i  would  slow it down further but as the limit was 30 seconds i think it is still a good effort.

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